This is a day of surprises all around.
I don't know what we'd
have done without Cathy.
Or her without us after
her folks died.
We had poor scratching
to keep body and soul together...
...waiting for the war to end.
Well, it must've been hard.
...congratulations, Clint.
We always did want Cathy
in the family, didn't we, Ma?
Yes, son.
Hey, Cathy.
Look at the nicks
on this saber.
How many Yankees
did you all get?
- We didn't stop to count.
- Whole bunch?
Most of those nicks
came from butchering pigs.
I'll bet. A blue one
with the brass buttons.
Wish I would've been there.
I bet you I would've gotten my share.
He ranted and raved whenever
we got news of a battle.
You did right to stay here,
Clint. You did fine.
I love my bonnet. You boys shouldn't
have spent what little you got on me.
That's a mighty poor gift,
Ma, for all you've given us.
Hey! Look here.
A brand new Sunday-go-to-meeting suit.
That's a present for you.
From all of us.
For me? It must've cost a fortune.
- Where'd you get money?
- We had some saved up.
- We still got a few dollars left.
- That's more than we got.
Sit down while everything's hot.
Come on, Clint.
You're hungry, aren't you?