Somebody just rode up.
Clint? No, put that gun down!
You stay in here.
Who are you? What do you want?
- Is your name Reno?
- Yeah. What about it?
We're friends of your brothers.
Is there any of them around?
Vance, Brett or Ray?
No, why?
We come to warn him.
Some men are looking for him.
Too late. They arrested them
this morning on some lying charge.
It was a lie, wasn't it?
- Sure.
- Where'd they take them?
To town. They're taking a train
to Tyler to stand trial.
- Let's get going.
- I'll go with you!
Clint! Clint!
We've got to stop him.
Who are you, men? How do we know
you're friends of Vance?
Don't worry, miss.
We know you well enough.
You're Cathy.
Vance must've showed us your picture
a thousand times.
Ain't it natural that his brother
wants to help get him free?
Good night, miss.