Your trouble is, you lost your guts.
Come on, boys.
Hold it.
This deal is only good
if we turn in all the money.
So if I gotta save your necks too,
that's the way it is.
Get it. And their guns.
Now I'm going back to get our shares.
I'll meet you right after daybreak
at Hanna's mill.
Brett, that means you and Ray too.
How do we know you aren't lying?
Maybe this here Siringo
didn't make you any deal at all.
Yeah, and even if he did,
how good is his word?
I trust it.
Nobody knows you're in on this.
Go into town and tell Siringo
I'll bring the money tomorrow morning.
You come to the mill
and give us his answer.
That satisfy you?
What choice have we got?
Go on, Clint. Get going.
And we thought he was our friend.
He is, Mike. Best one you ever had.