He prepares long and obscure sermons
which he's unable to memorize...
and has to read
like a stumbling and inarticulate child.
Now, gentlemen, can we send
that kind of man out into the field...
to represent our society?
Dr. Peeters, I think that's conclusive.
Dr. Bosman, ask him to come in, please.
Mr. Van Gogh, we have Dr. Bosman's
report on your progress here.
- In view of what he's told us...
- You understand...
if your teacher feels
that you're unqualified...
this committee cannot give you
an appointment.
We regret it more than we can say.
Gentlemen, I think that concludes
Committee business for today.
Mr. Van Gogh, do you feel that the
Committee were unjust in their decision?
- No, sir.
- We did what we had to do...
in view of your records.
- Yes, sir.
- Come here.
Your father is a minister, is he not?
I'm not trying to put myself
on a level with my father.
I only hoped in some way
to follow in his footsteps.
Yet, until a year ago...
you showed no inclination or desire
to follow your father's calling.
Believe me, this is something I have to do.
I want to help the unfortunates.
I want to bring them the word of God.
Even if I'm not qualified,
there must be some way I can serve.
Isn't there any place for me?
Somewhere no one else wants to go?
I'll do anything. Only use me. Use me!
Come here.
- Do you know this part of the country?
- No.
It's a coal-mining region, the Borinage.