There exist no more miserable people
on the face of the earth...
than the miners who live there.
If you really mean what you said
about wanting to help the unfortunates...
here's your chance.
"The heart that seeks God...
"has more storms than any others.
"Life is a struggle here below.
"Yet out of our sufferings...
"God teaches us higher things.
"He wills..."
"He wills that man should live humbly...
"and go through life
not reaching after lofty aims...
"but fitting himself to the lowly
and learning from the Gospels...
"to be meek, simple of heart."
Father, we pray to thee
to keep us from evil and despair.
Feed us with the bread
that does not perish, which is thy word.
O Lord, amen.
- I don't know what your name is, but...
- Ducrucq.
Why did you leave?
Did I say something wrong?
I saw you leave.
What did I say that offended you?
Just because it's Sunday...
you don't expect us to listen
to the kind of pious bilge...