Lust for Life

You all right?
I'm sick. I'm tired. Just leave me alone.
Everything's rotten. Now I understand
why people drown themselves.

- Don't say things like that.
- Why not?

- Suicide's a terrible thing.
- What do you know about it?

What are you, anyway? A working man?
- Yes.
- You don't talk like one.

Thanks for the brandy.
I'm a laundress,
when I have the strength to scrub.

And when I haven't, I look for easier work.
I have a baby to feed.
He's at home with my mother.

- Where's your husband?
- What husband?

I've been at the tubs all day.
They were supposed to pay me tonight
but they put me off till tomorrow.

- Can't your mother help you?
- She's helped plenty.

She's taught me all I know.
Can I have another?
Here. Put this in your pocket instead.
- I'm only sorry it isn't more.
- Who bit your hand?

- I burned it.
- Let me see it.

What were you trying to do?
Fry it for dinner?

- I'll get something for it.
- It'll be all right.

Got any oil or butter
in this cockroach trap?

We sell drinks, not food.
It's a bad burn. Come home with me.
- I'll dress it for you before it gets worse.
- Thank you. It'll heal.
