Lust for Life

I saved some money.
You dropped it on the beach.

I didn't give it back to you.
My mother was right, getting myself
hooked up with a crazy painter.

Keep an eye on him.
Dear Brother, I think of you so often,
so very, very often these days.

If only you could be here
and see for yourself how it is with us. ;

that this is a real home, rooted in life...
with a woman and a cradle,
and a child's high chair.

The feeling I have for Christine is real, too.
I'm tired.
I'm going in to feed the baby.
Not yet. Christine, come back!
I'm fed up.
Month after month, it's the same thing.

- What's the matter now?
- I'm fed up with living on bread and coffee.

You take every penny you're given
and throw it away on paints and canvases.

- Don't start that again.
- Look at these.

How much do they cost?
You haven't even used up the old ones yet.

Shut up. Don't interfere with things
you don't know.

I won't. I have to pick up after you,
mend those rags you call clothes...

pose for you for hours,
on top of everything else.

- What do you think I am? Your slave?
- Stop nagging!

Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't better off
the way I was.
