Glad to know you. It's honest.
It owes nothing to anybody. Nothing.
Because it has nothing.
No tone, no values...
- No color relations.
- Sense of space.
The little men are at it again.
My friend, will you join me in a drink?
- What about the 112 francs?
- Lady, go back to your kitchen.
Get back.
You see, down there the sun invades you,
gets into your blood.
Not that Martinique was a paradise.
Between hunger and fever,
I was lucky to get out alive.
But if I could, I'd go back there tomorrow.
- How long you been in Paris?
- Over a year.
How can you stand it?
I can't work here. It strangles me.
- Where would you go?
- Brittany.
There's a place up there I can stay.
It's just a hole, but it's all I can afford.
Wouldn't you miss your friends in Paris?
Friends? A woman or two, maybe.
When you start as late as I did,
you find yourself measuring...
who and what you give your time to.
Friends, comforts, family.
If they interfere with your peace to work,
you cut them off...
and you spend the rest of your life
wondering if it was worthwhile.
If they're mad enough
to buy Impressionist paintings...
it only proves that they're savages.
I haven't seen the place looking so neat
since Vincent came to stay here.
What got into him, cleaning it up like this?
I do hope he's out.
Never would get any business done
if he's in.
What is it?
It's from Vincent.
"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you,
and endlessly...
"grateful for all your kindness.
"I've hung a few paintings
to remind you of me."
- He's gone?
- He's on his way south to Arles, Provence.
"I've thought it over
these past few weeks...
"and decided the time has come
to make a change.
"I want to see nature under a clearer sky.