Seven Men from Now

The reason my wife is dead.
Six months ago...
l lost my job
as the Sheriff of Silver Springs.

Three of those months,
l tried to get work.

Work that was fitting an ex-sheriff,
but l didn't find any.

The town allowed as
l could be the Deputy...

but my pride wouldn't let me,
so my wife had to take a job.

A clerk, checking freight for Fargo.
She was working at that job
the night she was killed.

Good night, Mrs. Greer.
Mighty fancy lady, that Mrs. Greer.
Think they'd get tired of crawling
around out there playing coyote.

folks back in Silver said
you high-ended it out of town...

without knowing how much
them gents rode off with.

$20,000 in gold.
Fargo box near full of the stuff.
Of course, l know that ain't the reason
you're riding them down, but....

Well, that's sort of
why l'm gonna tag along with you.

You see, me and Clete figure that
when they left Silver they scattered.

Seven of them.
Two fresh-dug holes
where your tracks begin.

That leaves five still alive.
And one of them's got that strongbox.
lf they're headed for Flora Vista...
That means they're fixing
to trade the gold across the border...

and ride away rich.
That is...
