Seven Men from Now

-How old do you figure she is?

Annie Greer.
Now, how would l know?
Twenty-five, twenty-six, would you say?
Want me to bury your boots, too?
She's a real looker, ain't she?
She ain't ugly.
A man could grow mighty fond
of a woman like that.

Looks like one already has.
Now, what would ever make you say
a thing like that, Clete?

That should be enough.
-Here, let me do this.
-Thank you.

Most men object
to doing a woman's work.

l hardly blame them, though.
They're right about our work
never being done.

Sure don't look like a man
with killing on his mind.

Say, you're quite a hand at this.
A woman would be fortunate
to have you around.

Would she, ma'am?
You shouldn't blame yourself
for what happened.

A man ought to be able
to take care of his woman.

Like my man?
Do you think l love him any less
because of the way he is?
