Yes, ma'am.
You're making a big mistake,
Mrs. Greer.
Them clothes of yours.
They'll never dry.
Storm's coming.
Hey, wake up.
Come on, take over.
l'm gonna go get me a cup of coffee.
Well, right cozy in here, ain't it?
-Come on in.
Don't mind if l do.
l'm afraid it's not as hot as it could be.
Just so as it's black.
-Storm seems to be letting up some.
-Yes, ma'am.
Stars'll be showing,
time it's your turn to take the guard.
Mr. Masters,
you know this part of the country.
Every rock.
Well, how far would you say we are
from Flora Vista?
With an early start come morning...
you should be able to noon there
with near no trouble at all.
Thank you.
Sure is good coffee, ma'am.
Mr. Greer...
how come you ever to
marry such a handsome woman?
Well, l....
We fell in love, Mr. Masters.