Strange, ain't it?
Running onto each other like this.
-ls it?
Man don't ride south in this country
unless he got a reason.
-You got a reason, Masters?
-What do you think?
l hear they had themselves a holdup
back in Silver.
Yeah, we heard that.
lt'll go hard with them that done it,
if they catch up to them.
Yeah, it sure will.
Howdy, Payte.
Everything all right?
Everything's just fine.
-Have a drink.
-Can use it.
Been running from Chiricahua
for two days.
Lucky to be here at all.
You boys waiting for somebody?
They ain't coming.
Ground's gonna be full of men,
time Stride gets through.
Since when's he toting a badge again?
He ain't. Oh, didn't you know?
lt was his wife they killed...
in that express office back in Silver.
Much obliged for the drink.
Come on, Clete.
Stride turned a key on you once,
didn't he?
Man put me in jail...
l'd get even with him, if l could.