Excellency, make your report.
The fact that created some
problems in the Congress...
was the amnesty that Your
Majesty gave to the Hungarians.
And I do not hesitate to say that...
All the ministers were
against this amnesty.
We all have the same opinion
that the amnesty represents...
a new and great danger
to the Austrian nation.
It will be worst if we
consider them our enemies.
I will give the amnesty,
even against the ministers will.
I could...
The amnesty will be
given immediately.
The countess Sofia!
I need to speak in private with
the baroness Esterhazy!
Baroness Esterhazy, I nominated you
master of the Empress...
because of the great
confidence I have in yours.
Everything the Empress does,
it must be informed to me.
This way, I'll have conditions to conduct
better the life of this young lady!
Concerning to the mutual confidence...
I'll report myself
the best way is possible.
What do you have to report?
One more time,
they brought a new parrot.
I ask your permission
to lock it in the backyard...
because the scream is terrible.