Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin

Well, it is a very long trip.
I see. And Franz,
why didn't he come?

He had a lot of work.
I almost don't see him.

But I am happy to be here.
I feel full of life.

- Where is Papa?
- He went to the forest with the children.

I can't believe
you are here.

Let's go in and
make yourself comfortable.

Seppl, look who is here.
It's good to be here.
And Nene, where is she?

With aunt Maria, in Potsdam.
I can sleep in her bedroom?
- Sleep in yours.
- Do I still have my bedroom?

Well, anything has changed
in here. Come on.

It was like this that I imagined
the Empress's castle would be.

You are right, everything
is the same.

- We even have flowers.
- I always leave them there.

There it is, the last
book I read.

I still remember it very well...
- And here are your clothes.
- My dress!

Even the same mess
is still here.

You know, my treasure, I left the
things the way they were...

because when I come into you bedroom,
what I do everyday...

I have the feeling that
you are still with us.

You have no idea how it's good
to feel that somebody loves me.

But, Sissy, everybody loves you, and
the most important is Franz!

Doesn't he carry you
on his arms?

Yes, he satisfies all
my wishes.

Are you living well with the Aunt Sofia?
I asked her to be nice with you.

- We are understanding each other.
- Thank God!

It makes me happy.
