The Ten Commandments

He has been foretold by
every falling star

since my father's time.
And now you make him
an excuse

for your failure
to build my city!

I am not one
to make excuses.

If you doubt me,
let Moses build the city.
No. No.
He's just trying to keep
Moses away from you, Sethi.

Or you, perhaps.
I think our roosters would
crow more softly

on another roof.
Stand before me,
both of you.

Would you please
your Pharaoh, Moses?

Your wish is my will.
Then you build my city.
Wise decision.
A noble task.
Do you believe this
slave deliverer is a myth?

What I believe
is of no account.

What matters is the slaves
believe in him.

Of course, of course.
Then you, too,
shall go to Goshen.

Learn if this deliverer
be a myth or man.

If a myth, bring him
to me in a bottle.

If a man...
bring him to me in chains.
So let it be written.
So let it be done.
Your fragrance is like the wine
of Babylon.

I could...
But you are
the throne princess,
