The Ten Commandments

You're no beggar,
my love.

You're a conqueror,
and I am your captive
for life.

One lifetime
will not be half enough.

You will be
king of Egypt,

and I will be
your footstool.

The man stupid enough to use you
for a footstool

would not be wise enough
to rule Egypt.

Princess, the raven has dropped
a black feather at your door!

No, Moses. Leave
the world outside.

Pardon. Pardon,
Royal One.

The old nurse Memnet...
Go away. I don't want
to hear anything.

What about Memnet?
She's dead. She must have fallen
from the balcony.

I will not hear
unhappy things tonight.

Go away!
Old Memnet must have walked
that balcony

a thousand times.
What is the death
of one slave to us?

She was a faithful
servant to you.

Can one so rich in love
be so poor in pity?

What kind of a woman
holds me captive?

One who loves you
and will not lose you.

One who will be your wife.
Nothing in the world
can change that, nothing...

neither Rameses'
princely plots

nor Memnet's evil lies.
You've heard Memnet
grumbling all your life.

Why should it upset you now?
Because she grumbled
against you.

Oh, let her threats
be buried with her.

Look. The night's
a crown of stars,

and the darkness
a robe of forgetfulness.

Come, love,
let's share them.

We'll use the moon
for a scepter.

Oh. A piece
of Hebrew cloth.

Memnet may have
dropped it.

Memnet was not a Hebrew.
Why would she
bring this here?

I don't know.
Yes, you do.
Tell me.
