The Ten Commandments

You cannot turn
your back upon us.

You will deliver us.
The finger of God points the way
to you.

Where was his body found?
Buried in the sand,
Royal One.

This is Baka's knife.
But there was
no wound on the body.

Baka was a powerful man.
It would take strong hands
to break him.

The slave Joshua
is a stonecutter.

Go find me this Joshua.
Joshua's strength didn't kill
the master builder.

Now speaks the rat
that would be my ears.

Too many ears
tie a rat's tongue.

Go, all of you.
who killed him?
I am a poor man,
Generous One.

What I bring
is worth much.

I have paid you much,
and you have
brought me nothing.

Now I bring you the world...
true son of Pharaoh.

You offer me the world
when you cannot even bring me
the deliverer.

Who killed Baka?
The deliverer.
Would you play
at words with me?

No, Lord Prince.
And this murderer has now fled
to some distant land?

No, Lord Prince.
Name him.
One who made himself a prince
and judge over us.

And if he knew I were
here, he would kill me

as he killed the Egyptian.
I will hang you myself
if you tire me further.

There are those
who would pay much

for what my eyes have seen.
Do you haggle with me
