The Ten Commandments

Desert thieves!
We drew this water.
Out of the way, girl!
This is the well
of Jethro, our father.

You have no right here.
Our goats don't know
your father.

Jethro's mark is on the well.
They can't read, either.
Nor can we!
He is the sheik of Midian.
Then let him breed sons
to guard it, not daughters.

Get your hands off her!
Drive them away!
Let them be first
whose hands
have drawn the water.

The stranger is wise...
The stranger is wise...
and strong.
Drive back your goats
until the sheep are watered.

All right, all right.
We should draw water for you
and wash the desert dust
from your feet.

Yes! Here's fresh water!
I have soapweed.
Let me first
remove his sandals.

Never did a lost sheep
have so many shepherds.

We have no towels.
My veil will serve.
Here. Let me pour the water.
Am I to be bathed or drowned?
I'll hold it for you.
Is it true
that Egyptian girls
paint their eyes?

Yes, but very few have eyes
as beautiful as yours.

And who...
who is the brave one

who stood against
the Amalekites?

Oh, that's Sephora.
She's the oldest.

Since you
have already divided

the stranger among you,
I will ask
a welcome for him
