The Ten Commandments

poured into
the Avenue of Sphinxes.

Beneath the stone feet
of the four colossal
images of Rameses,

which their own
sweat and blood and sinew

had hewn from solid rock,
a nation arose,
and freedom
was born into the world.

Grandfather, have you got

No, I haven't got Rebecca.
Here's the kneading trough.
Sling it on your shoulders.
This is a blessed day.
Where's Rebecca?
Here is Rebecca.
Ben Caleb.
Can we take
the cattle?

Moving to the gates,
horn and hoof.

Rachel, help me
with this brick yoke.

Benjamin, don't forget
the oil for the lamps.

You're carrying
your own load now.

Where are we going, Naomi?
To some land flowing
with milk and honey.

I never tasted honey.
Anybody know the way?

It's away from the whip.
Freedom won't wet your throats
in the desert.

Fill your water skins.
This is the governor's house.
You cannot enter.

Out! Out, all of you!
Why do soldiers come here?
I put no blood on my door.
Then stone bleeds.
Your stonecutter did this to me.
All your gold
cannot wipe that mark

from your door, Dathan,
or from my heart.
Just for that,
you'll walk all the way to...
Where are we going?
Do you know
where we're going?

To hell, I hope!
Like Dathan,
they did not know
where they were going,

and they cared no more
than the flocks
and herds they drove.

Now they used the brick yokes
to carry a very different

And there went forth
among them

planters of vineyards
and sowers of seeds,

each hoping to sit under
his own vine and fig tree.
