Mãe, olha!
Janes, vês?
A serpente de Moisés
devora as outras.
Deste-me este cajado para que
fosse rei de escorpiões e serpentes,
mas Deus tornou-o
num bastão para governar reis.
Ouve a Sua Palavra, Ramsés,
e obedece.
Bind him between the columns!
See that his arms
are tightly stretched!
You'll die on your feet,
He'll cut him to pieces.
Now go after the girl.
Don't come back without her.
We'll find her.
You foolish, stupid man.
I would have kept her
only a short while.
She would have returned to you,
shall we say, more worthy.
Now to whom
shall I return Lilia?
You will not be there, Joshua.
You've seen me drive my chariot.
I can flick a fly
from my horse's ear