Ali, if you feel this way about me,
I will leave the act.
Oh, shut up.
Mr. Ribble? Hey, Mr. Ribble?
Hey, get down out of there
before you fall down.
- But I'm a flier.
- I don't care what you are. Get down.
I came all the way from Brooklyn
to see you. My old man is Guido Orsini.
That buzzard still flyin'?
He taught me all he knew. You're
the only man who can teach me more.
Tell him I'm not a coach. I'm a rigger.
And tell him in person, back in Brooklyn.
- Look, Mr. Ribble...
- Go on, beat it, son. I'm busy.
I want something only you can give me.
You're the only man in the world
that can teach me the triple.
The triple? Are you crazy?
Don't you know why I'm a rigger?
I throw a double somersault.
I need a little help on the third.
- Just a little help on the third, huh?
- I know it's not easy...
You come out of that third somersault like
an express train. And you come out blind.
A split second to reach for your catcher,
and a split second for him to grab you.
- That's all there is to it.
- All I want...
How many wet-eared kids have
come to me tryin' to suck me back in?
But you top 'em all. You wanna do a triple.
All I ask is one look. If you don't think
I got it, I'll go back to Brooklyn.
Well, start packin'.