You got to learn to tumble,
my boy. Like me.
Mike, you like that boy. Team up with him.
Catch him. Nobody can do it better.
Before he becomes this great catcher
he might change the rigging for my act.
- Don't let your partners hear it's your act.
- You said he could be great.
He could be the seventh man
in the world to do a triple.
Oh, Mike, Mike...
You spent years on the triple.
Look what it did to you!
Now you can have a good flying act
without it. Don't let the triple kill it.
- It's in him. Why shouldn't he do it?
- For what?
To pull a shoulder? Break his back?
I'll show him what I did wrong.
We'll be the greatest in the business.
- For how long?
- You want him to swing on a single bar?
Not with that kind of talent. I'd rather
see him cutting hair in a barber's shop.
Now, tomorrow we'll...
Now, tomorrow you'll get down to
business. You'll do no more drinkin'.