- I feel great.
- I know how you feel better than you do.
I'll see you around.
Go back to sleep.
Your little blonde has a friend waiting.
She'll probably look like Mike.
Come in.
Whatever kept you?
I hear the boy was very good today.
Good? He was great.
He missed the triple by an inch.
You should congratulate him.
You'll find him in the menagerie.
Let's drink to Ribble and Orsini,
the first pure act in years.
Let's hope the public like it.
They never asked for purity before.
- It's so long since they saw it, they forgot.
- No, Mike. Things have changed.
Why stick to a two act? People want light,
sparkle, something pleasing to the eye.
A bit of feminine beauty like Lola here.
Think it over, Mike,
while I go congratulate your boy.
I have great hopes for this act.
I watched you work.
Bouglione's wrong. Your way is right.
- He knows box office.
- That's all he knows.
That's all he cares.
The work itself he thinks nothing of.
- That bothers you?
- Why not? He throws out my partners.
- They are not bad workers.
- They're good.
All right. But they are not
in the same class as you.
- I've got a great flier.
- Always the flier gets credit.
What he does makes a flash.