He drinks too much
and plays for too high stakes.
He also sees
the most amusing people.
Get him to tell you
everything to do this season.
- Countess!
- You've been neglecting me.
I was convinced you were dead.
When I saw you at the ball,
six weeks ago,
I thought, "What a pretty girl."
That's all I thought.
But tonight...
- But you felt it, too?
- I felt...?
When our eyes met. Don't look guilty.
What's there to be ashamed of?
Are you enjoying the opera?
It's very good, isn't it?
Oh, is it? I haven't noticed.
I haven't looked at the stage tonight.
I must see you again.
You must come to my sister's house.
Very soon.
I think...
My mother's in the country,
I may go up to be with her.
She's enchanting.
- Go away, Anatole, you'll distract us.
- All right, all right.
You'll come.
I'll take this as a pledge.
My brother is very amusing, isn't he?