Don't worry, Petya. There will
always be plenty of Frenchmen.
Good luck.
With your views on war,
that's very civil of you.
But seriously, Pierre,
why don't you take a commission?
It's so easy for men. All you have to do
is decide to do something. Then do it.
If you were a man
what would you decide to do?
I'd decide to become
enormously powerful.
I'd become the czar's
most trusted minister...
and he wouldn't dare make a move
without consulting me.
And you would sit at my right hand
and judge the nations.
Whenever anything was complicated
or an injustice was being done...
the case would be laid before you
and your word would be law.
Why me?
Because your heart is pure
and you're good.
Well done, my dear.
Well done.
On that note,
I think I should leave.
What about if you did have
that power, what would you do?
I would hesitate.
Now I really must go.
Come again soon.
I'll walk you to the door,
my Lord Hesitator.
- Good-bye, Pierre.
- Come soon again.
You will come again soon,
won't you?
Mama and Papa don't show it, but they're
gonna be lonely when Nicholas is gone.
- And they do love seeing you.
- Yes, of course I'll come.
I love this house
and the whole family.
The whole family?
That's not as simple as you think.
What do you mean by that?
Oh, there are currents
and countercurrents.
Now, where are you going?
To Dolokhov's rooms?
As a matter of fact I am.
How did you know?
I hear things, I hear things.
Go. Go to your night of disgusting
and fascinating debauchery.