War and Peace

that you're only staying

- I'm afraid it is.
- Lise, talk to him.

- Make him stay.
- I've tried.

Mary, Lise's very tired.
I think she'd better get some rest.

- Yes?
- Excellency, your father heard you.

He would like you
to present yourself immediately.

Thank you. No, you'd better
go upstairs, Lise.

You'll see him at dinner.
Here is the warrior.
Here's the Bolkonsky
who's going to beat Napoleon.

How are you, my boy?
How are you?

I'm well, Father.
How is your health?

Oh, the same, boy. The same.
Only fools fall ill.

You know me, busy from
morning till night.

Little to eat, less to drink.
So of course I'm well.

Thank God.
God has nothing to do with it.
Just a moment, Andre, please.
- Don't refuse.
- What is it?

Father's father used to take it
along with him... in all his wars.

If it's not too heavy
and won't break my neck.

Andre, promise that
you'll never take it off.

- Promise?
- Yes.

Kiss me here.
Thank you, my boy. Thank you.
Why do you thank me, Father?
For doing your duty.
For not allowing yourself to be tied
to a woman's apron strings.

The army before everything.
Thank you. Thank you.

About my wife, Father.
