War and Peace

To be able to believe in God...
to cause happiness, to love.
Love? Look at Sonya.
She's in love with Nicholas...

and she cries every day between 8:00
and 9:00 in the morning... a full hour.

- Don't you ever intend to fall in love?
- Ten or 11 times. Only for recreation.

I'll keep changing partners
like a dance.

When I finally say I love you to a man
and really mean it...

it'll be like a defeated general
who's lost all his troops...

surrendering and handing his sword
to his enemy.

You'll change.
The hideous thing about being young
is everybody is always telling you...

you'll change.
Are you dining with us tonight?
I'm afraid I can't.
I have a previous engagement.

Oh? With whom?
My cousin, Princess Helene.
I'd like to be like her
when I grow up.

Of course I'll have to fill out
around here.

Tall, proud, beautiful,
cold and untouchable...

with regiments of men
dropping at my feet.

I'm going to marry her, Natasha.
Gently, gently.
Who's surrendering his sword,
you or she?

Be happy, dearest Pierre.
I order you to be supremely happy.
I'll be leaving again directly.
