I have a message for General Kutuzov
and I must deliver it immediately.
There's the general's aide.
You talk to him, Ensign.
Sir. I've just come
from the picket lines.
I have a message and it must be
delivered immediately to the commander.
His Excellency is in the middle
of a council of war.
- Give it to me. I'll deliver it.
- A verbal message.
Deliver it to me now.
My squadron is on picket duty.
This evening we saw the French
put out their fires...
and we heard sounds in their camp.
- The enemy's on the move, sir.
- Is that all?
Is that all?
I would say that you have seen
no action yet, am I right?
Good luck, my friend.
It is quite apparent that the enemy
has regrouped his position.
Surely now, Your Excellency
should take into consideration...
the fact that we must change
the orders for tomorrow.
Or rather for today...
for it is past midnight.
the orders for tomorrow...
cannot now be ordered.
You've heard them...
and we shall all do our duty.
But before the battle...
there is nothing more important...
than to have a good sleep.
Good night.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night.
But, sir...
if the French are that
far south of Austerlitz...