- The morning papers, sir.
- Thank you.
Anything amusing in the Gazette?
It's not very amusing.
We've lost again.
An armistice is going
to be discussed.
Prisoners wounded on both sides
will be immediately returned.
In a word...
we're suing for peace.
You sound bitter.
Maybe I am.
What difference does it make
if a piece of Poland changes hand...
a new prince is established
in Austria?
Oh, it's so boring to worry
about things like that.
So, no more war.
- For the time being.
- For the time being.
Then the armies
will be coming back.
Yes, I suppose so.
Moscow will be very gay
and exciting.
Pierre, why don't we stay here
and not go to the country?
Not this year, at least.
It'll be such a gay season.
I'm not particularly interested
in a gay season.
Besides, I have so much work to do
down there... the hospital, the school.
They will die just as well
without you in the hospital.
And they'll learn just as many idiotic
things without you in the schools.
I promised those people.
I can't disappoint them.
Well, I never liked the idea.
Pierre, come here.
Listen. You know what we can do?
You go to the country
all by yourself.
Do there what you have to do.
Get the house ready and so on.
Then I'll join you
in the spring, huh?
The country's so dreary
in the winter.
Please don't force it on me, Pierre.
If you must stay, stay, but I'll
be lost without you there, Helene.
It will be good
for the both of us.
And you will appreciate me so much more
when you haven't seen me for some time.