Did your mother tell you
what I explained to her?
There's nothing to explain.
Did she tell you
that it can't be for a year?
Forgive me, but you're so young.
I want you to be absolutely sure.
I am sure.
One year isn't too terribly long,
and you'll be free.
If within that year
you find that you don't love me...
or if you come to love
someone else...
Don't say that. You must never
say anything like that again.
A year? Am I going
to see you, though?
Of course. I have to go to Poland,
but I'll be gone only a few months.
Well, can't it be helped?
Is there anything that can be done?
It's awful! I'll die waiting
a year! It's impossible!
No, I'll do anything.
Whatever you say.
Oh, I'm so happy.
We have the rest of our lives.
At Tilsit, in Prussia,
on June 13, 1807...
Napoleon met with
Emperor Alexander of Russia...
for the purpose of discussing
a treaty of peace.
They can't help liking me.
I'm so willing
to do anything they wish...
so ready to be fond of him...
for being his father.
- I am Mary Bolkonsky.
- Charmed.
- And this is my daughter Natasha.
- How do you do?
Good afternoon.
Please excuse my father.
He doesn't feel well.
He asked me to welcome you
in his name.
- Will you have some tea?
- Well, I think that would be...