I think it can only represent, sire...
the sincere wish of His Majesty
the tsar to avoid war...
and to prevent the shedding
of both Russian and French blood.
A praiseworthy aim,
and one in which I completely concur.
However, what else?
What else would you say
was in this letter?
Since you press me, sire,
for a personal opinion...
I would say that it contained
a request for the withdrawal...
of Your Majesty's troops
from the frontiers of our country.
A personal opinion.
So that's how the tsar
told his messenger to put it.
You personally say "withdrawal,"
do you?
Say "retreat!"
I am a soldier,
and I use soldiers' words!
I am not a fool!
I have been asked
to put my head into a noose...
while my enemies
are conspiring against me.
Sire, it is not
a personal opinion of mine...
when I say that the tsar
is not Your Majesty's enemy...
and that he is
not conspiring against you.
If you'll read
his letter carefully...
I will read the letter
more carefully...
and send the tsar
my answer later.
Good night to you, Colonel.
Gentlemen, tomorrow at dawn...
we cross the Niemen into Russia.
We'll talk of peace...
in Moscow!
And on the 12th of June, 1812...
Napoleon Bonaparte, at the head
of an army of 200,000 men...
crossed the river Niemen
into Russia.
To combat this aggressive invasion
of their homeland...
the Russian peasant
chose to welcome the French...