War and Peace

three, four...
- Who are you?
- Ensign Rostov...

looking for
Colonel Dolokhov's detachment.

I have a dispatch
from the commander-in-chief.

Come, then.
How did you find us?
Some peasants in the village
below told me.

- Dragoons?
- Yes, sir. Dragoons.

How many infantrymen?
- Maybe a hundred.
- Or 200?

Yes, sir. Perhaps 200.
Perhaps! Perhaps! Get out of here
before I lose my temper!

When was he captured?
Last night,
but we won't keep him long.

I usually do not take prisoners.
- What is this dispatch?
- It's my general's dispatch, sir.

- Who are you?
- Ensign Rostov, sir.

Rostov. Do you have
a brother Nicholas?

- Yes, sir. Do you know him?
- Yes.

"All patrols are to pull back
immediately to join the main army...

and prepare for a general attack...
when the French attempt to cross
the Berezina River. "

Rostov, you didn't
find me tonight.

You didn't find me
to give me this till tomorrow.

Why, sir?
That French column of stragglers.
I'm going to attack them
tomorrow morning.

- One last fight.
- Let me come.
