No, I ain't crying, because I'm
gonna be a free man in the morning.
You hear that, fellas?
A free man!
The sheriff's gonna open up
his cage...
and I'm gonna be as free
as a bird in the morning.
Hey, maybe I can try putting
a couple of rhymes together...
Sing something dependable
like "Home on the Range".
I ain't gonna sing no
"Home on the Range".
No, sir, not if it means
I rot in here another month.
I'm gonna sing
what I'm gonna be...
a free man in the morning.
Oh, good night, moon.
Moon, you just fade,
fade, fade away.
Oh, good night, moon.
Moon, you just fade away.
And hurry on, Mr. Sun...
bring on the new day.
Oh, bring on the sheriff...
with his great big old key.
Bring on old Big Jeff,
the sheriff of Pickett, Arkansas...
with his big old fat key.
To open up this nasty,
filthy jailhouse...
and make a free man of me.
You got any objections to
being a free man in the morning?
No, sir, I ain't.
Gonna be a free man
in the morning...
free man in the morning...
free man in the morning...
I know the reason...
All right, I'm ready.
Thank you, Lonesome Rhodes,
that was just fine.
You mean to tell me you
had that going all the time?
I'm a sneaky type.
Well, lock me up...
- You like him?
- Yes, sir.
By golly, I think you've got yourself
quite a fella there, quite a fella.