A Face in the Crowd

Now, in most places, he's going
to be put on town relief...

but in Riddle, as an economy measure,
we make him the dog catcher.

But, now,
this sheriff of yours...

I don't say
nothing against him...

but if you've any mutts
you want rid of...

why don't you take them to his place
to see if he can handle the job.

Here, Whitey!
Here, Whitey!

How does it feel?
How does what feel?
Saying whatever comes in your head
and being able to sway people.

Yeah, I guess I can.
Yeah, I guess I can.
And now, an amusing example of
grass roots democracy in action.

It seems there's a small town
radio personality...

called "Lonesome Rhodes"
out in Arkansas...

who literally sent a mayoralty
candidate to the dogs.

Larry, Larry.
Just plough out through and keep
going, leave the rest to me.

Thanks for bringing up
my breakfast.

This is Mr. Steiner,
all the way from Memphis.

Mr. Rhodes. I'm one of the oldest
theatrical agents in the mid south.

I book a lot of acts for
the Grand Old Opera.

I discovered Hank Snow,
and Webb Pierce...

and the first morning I heard you,
I said to myself...

"Steiner, that man's got power."
