A Face in the Crowd

They're gonna be looking out for you,
ain't you, folks?

Lonesome! You should see how
the money is pouring in!

Get out of bed,
you've got a client!

Whas that?
Is a mattress company,
that means you get your $1000.

Stand still, you slob.
Here, get your hand in here.
Here it comes.
That sure is prettier music than
a cigar box guitar.

There's eighteen thousand
five hundred...

and forty-one...
of these things so far,
and we ain't hardly started.

Mrs. Tooley says thank you...
you good people.
You folks are building a house.
Ain't nothing you can't do when you
let the best side of you take over.

Oh, I see the old clock-watcher
going this way.

He wants me to make sure
I leave time for the commercial.

You didn't know I had a sponsor,
did you?

Neither did I till I woke up
this morning.

He's a good looking scoundrel,
ain't he?

Yeah, I've got the commercial
on me somewhere. Les see...

Johnny Longshos tip
for the Daily Double...

No. No, that ain't it.
darling, you ain't forgetting
your little Arkansas Annie...?

No, that surely ain't it.
This is it.
Friends "comma" why not invest
in sleep insurance "question mark".

That is what you will be doing
when you buy your...
