Thank you.
Now, in the last quarter, gentlemen,
and Miss Valerie...
we have spent over $300000
of General Hainsworth's money...
to make this country
Vitajex conscious.
And all we've succeeded in doing...
Next chart, please...
is dropping from 10º/º of the market
to 7º/º. Now I...
Mr. Macey, I'm late for the dog food
meeting. Can I say my say and go?
I've gone over this product
pretty carefully in the lab.
Vitajex has a few grains
of aspirin...
a little sugar, that might
give you some energy...
but, frankly,
General or no General...
we've nothing to sell.
Strike that from the transcript,
Miss Murray.
You know General Hainsworth always
reads the product group reports.
I can't help it, I was hired
as a research chemist.
Dr. Wiley, there's nothing wrong
with Vitajex, is there?
It won't kill you,
if thas what you mean.
Is relatively harmless,
like a patent medicine...
Thank you, doctor. Now, les
get this train back on the tracks.
With all due respect to our
estimable television department...
He hates our guts.
and is sudden enthusiasm...
for Lonesome Rhodes...
I think we need a dignified sell.
I'd like a 15 minute participation
on the Ed Murrow show.
Mr. Rhodes is here, sir.
Don't you think...
I mean, is irregular.
I just thought if you and the boys
got a look at him...
you'd see why the TV shop
is sold on him.
Gentlemen, Lonesome Rhodes.
Hi, folks.
I'm here to sell these kidney pills
or whatever the heck they are.