Traitor! Thief!
He's taken everything.
Your Majesty, say a few words
to the American people.
Just a moment.
- Who are you?
- His Majesty's Ambassador.
- Jaume!
- Your Majesty!
Glad to see you alive and well.
We fooled them!
Come on, break it up,
get a move on!
- My securities, are they safe?
- Turned over to Dr Voudel.
He says as your Prime Minister,
he has charge of everything.
I wouldn't trust that crooked...
There he is!
Your Majesty!
- My securities, where are they?
- Safely deposited.
In my name?
We cannot discuss that here.
First we must get rid of the press.
This way please.
Smile, Your Majesty!
One over here!
- Another one here!
- One serious.
Please gentlemen, no more pictures.
His Majesty King Shahdov has
been through a bloody revolution.
I hope you will keep this interview
as brief as possible.
Your questions, please.
I understand you got away
with all the loot.
If you're referring to what legally
belongs to His Majesty's government,
documents were transferred out of
the reach of revolutionary thieves.