A King in New York

- Where's Hank?
- That's him.

Hank, how goes it?
All lined up for television.
What's the routine?
I'll do the deodorant ad first
then see if I can get the King going.

I'll give you two buzzes
to start your commercials.

By the by, is that an El Greco?
Oh no, Sir. He's a Filipino.
I mean the picture opposite.
I'm not sure.
My wife bought it at an auction sale.

Would Your Majesty
care to sit down?

Thank you.
Your Majesty is served.
Don't you think Miss Ann Kay
very attractive?

Very, the little I've seen of her.
Madame, your health!
And... how is your ankle?
Much better, thank you Sir.
If it gives you any further trouble,
just knock on my door.

Frankly, I hope for the worst.
- You want to see me suffer?
- I want to see more of you.

- I find it close in here.
- Could be closer.

And the atmosphere quite stuffy.
It's anything but that.
How fortunate people
no longer consider the problem

of perspiring in stuffy rooms.
I beg your pardon?
Think of pretty young girls
being unpopular at dances

and they don't know why.
I don't follow you.
The answer is B.O.
- B.O.?
- Body odor!
