It's that creature who was with you
on television, Miss Ann Kay.
- Have her come up.
- Tell Miss Ann Kay to come up.
The audacity of that woman to come
here after what happened.
Your Majesty, it's a changing world,
different values.
So it seems.
''Yum, yum!''
That's worth $10,000?
- Good morning.
- Well! Come in.
Congratulations Your Majesty.
You've electrified
the whole country.
Thanks to your peculiar ideas
of hospitality.
They're not mine, Your Majesty.
What do you want?
Mrs Cromwell asked me
to deliver this.
I believe there's a check inside
for $20,000.
Quite so. This will save me
the trouble of returning it to her.
I'm sorry you're angry.
I'm sure my anger means
nothing to you, Miss Kay.
Neither does my contempt.
Good morning.
That was a quick interview.
Jaume, put this in
the wastepaper basket.
At 12 o'clock you are to visit
a progressive boys' school.
I think it good policy after
that awful television business.
Have you heard from
the Atomic Commission?
Not a word.
I've telephoned them every day
for a week now,
but can't get through.