Why isn't he travelling with you?
Because he had to go
to Texas on a big merger.
He thought it'd be a good idea if l took
a trip while he consummated this big deal,
because l have no head for business.
lt's beyond me how
the more money a corporation loses,
the more it makes,
because of the carryovers with the writeoffs.
The big secret seems to be to merge a sick
corporation with a big, fat healthy one,
and then everybody gets well.
Silly, isn't it?
He doesn't think l'm dumb, but he doesn't
think l'm very bright. About things like that.
lt isn't necessary, is it?
Thank you.
That's all right.
So he trusts you?
No mistakes? No errors?
Five faithful years.
Sounds awful, doesn't it? But it's true.
Yes. Well, there you are.
No, thank you.
l don't...
You could light it from that inscription,
couldn't you?
l like that. l must stay tuned into you.
He's a very lucky fellow.
Must be a remarkable man.
Well, you can imagine how attractive he is
when l can resist so charming a person as...
Yes, yes. l understand.
Well, it was nice, wasn't it?
Oh, well. Well, there's still
deck tennis, shuffleboard, bingo.
Don't tell me you're embarrassed?
Yes. As a matter of fact, l am.
Oh, l am sorry.
That's all right. Don't apologise.
l do hope it won't affect your ego!
No, please, don't think anything of it.
l'll just take my ego for a walk.
Unless you'd care to...
Have dinner with you?
l'd love to.
Here comes my friend Ferrante now.
Mr Ferrante, l'd like to have you meet
my sister, Miss Hathaway, and my wife...