lt has been such a tremendous
excitement for me, this visit.
l am trying to appear calm.
Don't you think l do pretty well?
You do wonderfully well.
There we are.
Thank you.
l love Nicolo so much.
When he was a small boy,
he charmed us all with his piano playing.
Then he studied painting.
And the worst of it is
he's so good at everything.
Ajack of all talents?
Everything comes too easily to him.
He's always attracted by
the art he isn't practising,
the place he hasn't been,
the girl he hasn't met.
Perhaps l shouldn't have met him.
No, my dear. You are different.
l don't mind confessing to you
l have been worried about him.
Sometimes l'm frightened.
That life will present a bill to Nicolo one day,
and he will find it hard to pay.
But when l see you with him, l feel better.
Me? You do?
Yes, you.
l wish l could share your confidence.
You will have it when you need it.
That is your character.
There is nothing wrong with Nicolo
that a good woman couldn't make right.
l saw Marius's entire family.
Seven daughters!
l had a nice talk with his wife.
You should have had a nice talk with him.