- What business would you be in now?
- I'm a doctor.
0h, are you now, Doctor?
Well, that's very interesting.
I'm having trouble
with me feet lately.
I think the arches have dropped...
- We'd like some food now.
- And some drink.
Er, did I hear you're a medical man,
sir? My name's Major Porter.
May I introduce myself
to your good self and your lady wife?
- I'm a lady, but no wife.
- No, we're cousins.
We have an uncle
that's having a funeral tomorrow.
- He was in the brass business.
- 0h!
I'm sure my case would interest you.
Now, at the age of five,
I was given six months to live.
Six months! Look at that!
Anything I can do, Doctor Sparrow?
- I was looking for the bathroom.
- There's one on your floor.
0h, is there? I didn't notice.
It's marked "bath" in large letters.
0pposite your room.
Thank you.