Doctor at Large

I don't feel hypnotic.
I feel like a slave girl with
a lovely, fierce oriental potentate.

0riental potentate...
- Tony!
- Hello, my dear fellow.

You haven't got a spiked mattress,
have you?

His Highness is giving me a few tips.
Was that all right?

- 0oh, you've been at the jam.
- What? 0h...

I'm so sorry we're parting, dear boy,
but Willoughby swears he's fit enough
to start work again,

and I expect you're itching
to get back to the Himalayas, eh?

Razzy, you've been so good to me
that I feel I must make a confession.

The Himalayas story... it was a lie.
Really? 0h, I am glad.
Terribly cold and uncomfortable
it must be for them up there.

You've been a success here. All the
neurotic women are in love with you.

They must be in love
with their doctor.

Speaking frankly,
it keeps them from suicide.

0ne doesn't have to be in love
with them, which is a relief.

- What do you plan to do now?
- I've got a job in the country.

It won't be as much fun
but I'll get some reading done.

- I want to take up surgery.
- Ah, yes.

Fascinating subject, I think,
if a little on the ghoulish side.

Well, goodbye, dear boy,
and good luck.
