Fine guy that makes me...
taking food
out of a woman's mouth...
especially a nun's.
You were starved,
Mr. Allison.
I don't suppose there'd be
any cigarettes around, huh?
No cigarettes.
What I wouldn't do
for a smoke.
Who belongs to this?
It was
Father Phillips' pipe.
He's buried down there.
How'd he die, ma'am?
The last few days
were too much for him.
I was at the mission
at Wanitok.
That's in the Tua group.
The Japanese were raiding islands
all around us...
and conscripting
the natives...
and making prisoners
of the Europeans.
A ship came for us.
Our instructions were
to close the mission and go to Fiji...
but Father Phillips wouldn't leave
without Father John Ryan...
who was alone here at Tuasiva.
It was against the ship's orders
to come for us...
so Father Phillips prevailed
upon some natives...
to bring us in a sailing craft.
It required
all his eloquence and money.
The crew was in terror
of the Japanese.
But why'd you
come here, ma'am?
I mean, why didn't you go
to Fiji with the others?
Father Phillips was over 70...
Too old to make the voyage alone.
We landed here four days ago.
Father Ryan wasn't here.
No one was here.
The Japanese
had come before us.
Go on, ma'am.
Father Phillips went
all about the island...
calling Father Ryan.
We climbed up the hill...
and when we got
to the top...