It's a gourmet's dish.
No kidding.
Whose dish?
A person who
knows fine food.
You know, with all the things there are
to eat on this island...
There's breadfruit,
mangoes, papaya...
not to mention
the fish in the sea...
There's no question
about us surviving.
We could go on here for years...
and I mean years.
You think it might come
to that, Mr. Allison?
Well, the way
this war is going.
Well, isn't there any chance
of our own forces landing here?
Well, the brass planned
to bypass a lot of these islands...
on their way to Tokyo.
At least,
that's the scuttlebutt.
Scuttle what?
You know, the poop.
Like, um, guys
beating their gums...
you know, giving out
with the rumors.
Oh, yes,
of course, rumors.
Well, they don't seem to beat their gums
on very hopeful poop...
do they, Mr. Allison?
No, ma'am, they don't.
How far do you figure
it is to Fiji, ma'am?
About 300 miles,
Father Phillips said.
Lots of water.
Due south,
ain't they?
I believe so.
That's the way
the wind's blowing.
Why, Mr. Allison?
Why, Mr. Allison?
Well, I was thinking...
But no, ma'am, that would be
just plain crazy.
What would?
Trying to sail
down there in a raft.
Everything would be against
our making it, everything...
even if there weren't
Japs all around...
and we could
sneak through them.