Island in the Sun

Here. Let me.
You didn't look at the letter.
The letter? It's perfect.
## [Bugle]
[Bugle Continues]
Jocelyn, I've got the car.
Would you like to come for a drive?

Why don't you, Jocelyn?
We'll go on alone.

Well, l- I have to go past the house
and change my clothes.

All right.
- Hello, Colonel.
- Hello.

Mr. Bradshaw.
Appalling thing. Carson.
He and I were quite good friends.
I can't understand how it happened.
Is there anyone you suspect, Colonel Whittingham?

Now, Mrs. Fleury, you know policemen.
They suspect everybody.

What time did it happen?
The coroner puts it
at about 10:00.

That's odd.
I went to the club after I left Father's.

I was worrying about Bradshaw's article,
how they'd take it.

I may have passed Carson's house,
at the very moment-

How awful. You might
have saved his life.

A few minutes earlier, I might have met him
in the street. We'd have stopped and talked.

He'd have asked me in for a drink,
and then we'd have found this-
