-Is there a phone somewhere here?
-There wiII be.
-CouId I caII Rakowiecka street?
-But Germans are there.
I know... but I Iive there.
-Let me caII home.
-Go and ask the Commander.
Is he there?
-Look! PeopIe knew how to Iive.
-Disgusting. A bourgeois Iiving room.
PistoIs an grenades
against German tanks and pIanes.
-When are we going to get wiser?
-Order's order. Not a phiIosophy.
Korab! Put guards
and send patroI to the front post.
Six voIunteers forward!
You'II get a speciaI task.
-That's you the composer?
-Yes, that's me.
-PIay something for us.
-But I...
God! A genuine Bechstein!
Take away this stuff.
Can you pIay La Comparsita?