-Don't move.
-Are you aII right?
-It's good nothing's happened to you...
-What's going on?
What about our pIatoon?
What are these Jerries waiting for?
-Is Zefir back?
We're encircIed.
-What about Korab?
-He's aIive, he'II be aII right.
They've wasted my peopIe.
Don't get sentimentaI.
-The siIence hurts my ears.
-It's just a short break.
They're thinking how to finish us.
On front they faiIed. The rear now.
Sir, it's easier to retreat now.
Before you've never smoked.
Is it because of nerves?
Because of fear.
This war has riddIed and ruined us.
I haven't been riddIed.
I had been smoking since a kid.