Thank you.
They've found a method to kiII us.
I won't work on aircraft after the war.
Zabawa's Iooking for you.
Sir, I report the company
in the Red House.
Go, Zefir.
-Number of Iosses?
-12 kiIIed, 10 wounded.
At dusk
we're moving to the Centre.
-What? How? Which way?
-Through the sewers.
-I'm not Ieaving.
-Are you crazy?
There're just few streets Ieft.
Tomorrow they'II finish us off.
I'm not Ieaving.
Was aII the bIood drawn in vain...
and we fIee now Iike rats in sewers!
How am I to Iook my boys in the eyes?
It's an order, Zadra.
I don't give a shit about such orders.
You're a damned civiIian.
You don't want to save your boys.