He's got it bad
for your daughter.
- I will marry her!
- Hear that?
He'll marry her.
What do you think?
Me? I say he's a fool.
I said the same.
He's 20!
- You'll ruin yourself, son.
- That's my business. Well?
I told you.
If she agrees...
I'll go and tell her.
ever seen such a frenzy?
Let's give them a hand
and get them married at once.
At once? No, Salvatore.
No, not at once. I don't agree.
Let's wait a bit.
It's got to be a grand celebration.
All right. There's no hurry.
I've been meaning
to say this for a while...
if you agree, we could
be together like before,
Poverty again, going 50/50.
You'll see.
Things will be better.
Soon we'll also have a fridge.
I'm not the Co-op type.
Unless you need
a dynamite fisherman.
As you wish.
I'll pick up the tab
for the wine.
Be seeing you...
I told you, I can't accept.
Thanks, Renato, but I can't.
Thanks so much.
You're in love
with someone else?
No, it's not for that reason.
Be cause...
I'm not who you think I am.
What do you mean?
You see, he wasn't like us.
He was from the mainland.
He made it all sound so simple.
It seemed as if there
was nothing wrong.
He would've married me, however.
I'm sure of that!